Sunday, November 17, 2013

Journal Entry Guidelines

Hi students!

You will be writing your journal entries on This will make it easy for you to have a dialogue with me about your experiences reading the novel as well as a chance to communicate with your fellow classmates.

Here I will provide you with guidelines on how to create an exceptional journal entry on our blog page.

1. The journal entry should be at least two paragraphs
2. For each journal entry I will give you a question to answer pertaining to the chapters you will read for homework. *Answer the question in at least 5 sentences.
3. Predict: discuss you thoughts on what you think may happen in the chapters you will read.
4. Read: Discuss your thoughts on the chapters as you read. Reflect upon events taking place in the text. What surprised you? Provoked you? What didn't you understand? Any new vocabulary?
5. Post your journal entry and comment on at least two other classmate's entries and compare their thoughts to yours. Similarities? Differences?
6. Use headings and subheadings in your blog (see example below)

Example blog post:

Journal Entry 1: Chapters 1-3

Reading Questions: (post answers to questions I ask you here)
Prediction: (write prediction of chapters here)
Chapter comments: (write comments on reading here)
Questions about what I read: (write questions about anything that you did not understand here)
Vocabulary words: (Write words that you did not understand here)

Use this format for all of your blog entries. Please refer to this entry when writing your blogs if you have questions. If you have further questions, please contact me. Have fun with this!